Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Technology in EarlyChildhood classrooms

I never really thought about technology for kids as young as 3 and 4. As teachers we need to relieze things are not always like what they were when you were a child. I don't agree that children should be on the computer on a regula basis, but yes children as young and 3 and 4 can use technology better then some of the older generations out there. I have seen four year olds use a computer, but i never really thought about how much a diffrence that is from even just my generation. I do agree with this article that sitting a children infront of a tv all day can ruin some of the skills they need in life, but it doesnt hurt them to use the computer because they can actually learn things from it because many games are active. I think it needs to be the parents responsiblity to control how often a child uses the computer and how much they are on at time. Computers can help out a classroom and enhance but i dont think its the only tool to be used.

Article on tech in early childhood >http://teacher.scholastic.com/professional/bruceperry/using_technology.htm


Laptops in the classroom a distraction?

I think for many students laptops can be a huge distraction. I know for myself it takes a lot of will to not want to turn on msn and talk to people. I know that its wrong and I think about what my mother would say if she knew, and thats what keeps me from taking a browse on the internet or playing a game. I have several professors even who say they do not want laptops in their classroom. Yes, laptops can help out and make the classroom more interactive or make it easier to take notes, but I feel that its better to not use laptops in the classroom. I think for 50 minutes you can live without doing other things, nothing wrong with writing your notes in a notebook and hey it can even help you out later to type them up outside of class into you laptop to revisit what you learned. I also feel that we are all adults now and it should be our choice whether or not we want to use a laptop to take our notes with, we are now adults. But for my own personal choice i think its better that i leave my laptop at home for the day.

An article about laptops being banned in the classroom.
http://tiny.cc/qi59C <>